Album Out now be sure to stream the album for free & cop on I tunes also Cd and Vinyl
Pre-order Denmark Vessey and Scud Ones album “Cult Classic” NOW, HERE. Album drops at 9:10 on 11-12-13 !
Join Denmark Vessey and Scud One on a journey through thier album “Cult Classic” out 9:10 am 11/12/13 available right HERE. also be sure to DL Denmarks free Mixtape
From Denmark Vessey’s free project entitled “Don’t Drink The Kool Aid” comes his first video “Gasoline”, produced by T White. Pre Order Denmark Vessey and Scud Ones Debut LP “CULT CLASSIC” HERE available at 9:10 11/12/13, But until then be sure to DL Don’t Drink the Kool Aid free: