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The Making of Blu & Exile’s Below the Heavens

“Fuck, that’s what we wanted the record to be, just some raw soulful shit. But we ended up expressing so much. Like, my boy said, “Man, you got to just tap in like Jimi Hendrix was tapped in.” So, a lot of more personal records came out, but that raw feel with “Simply Amazin” “was definitely the direction.” -BLU

This past Tuesday (July 17, 2012) marked the five year anniversary of the critically acclaimed Below The Heavens from Blu & Exile. Shout outs to XXL magazine for this really good interview with Miguel, Aloe Black, Exile, and Blu about the making of “Below the Heavens”. Really insightfull and detailed. They go through the making of every single song! Click the link below: